_SOE_ERROR (ENUM) ¶ TYPE ETC [...] found ETC_SOE_DATA [...] _SOE_FIRST_ERROR + 16#3 Time limits
(Property) DeviceType [...] State (Property) EventTime [...] Class (Property) NotifyType
date time to UTC time. InOut: Scope Name Type Return
StructMonitorRequest (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE Proxy [...] Out: Name Type Initial [...] Total errors count ltElapTime
Name Type Initial [...] function. Client udiNumMsgExcReplyIllData [...] , signaling illegal data
and a time base [...] time for which [...] cycle time changes
parameter uliDateTime . WeekOfYear(JoinDateTime [...] OfYear(JoinDateTime(2010, 1
cycle time of a task [...] udiWatchdogTime [...] time is longer than
: Data value udiTime [...] Name Type Initial [...] parameters Value 3: Data
BitSize OutputData Sync0ShiftTime [...] Out: Scope Name Type [...] BitOffset InputBitSize InputData