App” type=”IN”>Pointer to [...] App POINTER TO APPLICATION [...] bDeny DINT
VarAccess_Interfaces.IBaseTreeNode diIndex DINT pVariableInformation POINTER TO Iec [...] TO UDINT
, passed to the Command [...] to the event. To [...] , you need to cast
generally recommended to [...] 2 WSTRING(255) L INT P INT
StructPoint Center iRadius INT [...] Color iLineWidth INT [...] drawing operation is to
call to method Load [...] Application POINTER TO STRING Points to the name of
( = Connection) that has to be checked. Index DINT 0 [...] SubmoduleCount DINT Number of
PolyPoints POINTER TO ARRAY [0..0 [...] ElemBase.VisuStructPoint points iPoints INT [...] LineWidth INT line width e
Length : DINT [...] pointer to String is
_IEC_HANDLE Handle to the socket diHow DINT