a string value [...] of string value [...] SettgGetString
of the string of [...] LastTimestampDate : STRING; sLastTimestampTime : STRING; s
CharBufferString [...] Determines the length of the string by
CharBufferString [...] From Does a strcpy from the source string
of the string [...] CharBufferString [...] storing the string In
of the string [...] CharBufferString [...] string InOut: Scope
CharBufferString [...] From2 : DINT Does a strcpy [...] string cbsSource into
of the string [...] CharBufferString [...] the string is read
Arr: ARRAY[0..9] OF STRING [...] . In this example: iSizeOfString [...] DefinitionName STRING Name of the
] OF STRING The [...] example) iSizeOfString [...] Definition3.GetRecipeValuesSizeOf