SortedList [...] position of element itf [...] Position UDINT The poistion of
DataItemList [...] symbolic name of the [...] . Here the name of the
all IDs of the TextList. The order of the [...] ITextList
IRectangleList [...] IRectangleList [...] .IQueryInterface Implementations of this
VisuFbRectangleList [...] ] OF IVisual [...] ..100] OF BYTE a
ITextList [...] ) The name of the TextList
BACnetClientAddList [...] _BLOCK PUBLIC FINAL BACnetClientAddList [...] execute a Add-List
BACnetClientRemoveList [...] _BLOCK PUBLIC FINAL BACnetClientRemoveList [...] execute a Remove-List
DatasourcesMgr.DeleteItemList [...] DeleteItemList : SysTypes.RTS_IEC_RESULT Deletes an item list
IDatasourcesMgr.DeleteItemList [...] DeleteItemList : SysTypes.RTS_IEC_RESULT Deletes an item list