Type Inout tyMMS_DataExchange tyIEC61850_MMS_DataExchange
ChannelHandle WORD pduData CHCProtocolDataUnit
Monitoring ¶ prvWriteAbsoluteAddressInfoData (Method) prvWriteAbsoluteAddressInfoTag (Method) prvWritePropertyAddressInfoData
Long FindLongWithData FindWithData [...] ) FindLongWithData
phase header pData [...] data to transmit ps [...] header pData
interpretation of pData is [...] BusDiagnosisInfo DED.ERROR Input pData [...] pData is pointing
socket pbyData POINTER [...] data to receive diDataSize __XINT Size of data to
) ScrollableY (Property) SetClientData [...] ElemLayerAlignmentFlag (Enum) VisuElemLayerClientSpecificData (Struct) VisuElemLayerData
_KIN_REF_SM3 Methods: GetConfigurationDataSize GetDefaultConfigurationData [...] _KIN_REF_SM3 Structure: GetConfigurationData
received full data sets; as long as no data