ldkc_KbusInfo_GetTerminalInfo (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION ldkc_KbusInfo_GetTerminalInfo : DINT InOut: Scope Name Type Return ldkc_KbusInfo_GetTerminalInfo DINT Input capacity UDINT info POINTER TO tKbusInfo_TerminalInfo count POINTER TO UDINT
ldkc_KbusInfo_GetTerminalList (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION ldkc_KbusInfo_GetTerminalList : DINT Binary Coding rules for “u16 terminallist[LDKC_KBUS_TERMINAL_COUNT_MAX];” 0xxx xxxx xxxx xxxx : Second part of Order-Number 1xxx xxxx xxxx xxxx : Stupid Digital IO-Terminal 1xxx 1xxx xxxx xxxx : 8-Channels 1xxx x1xx xxxx xxxx : 4-Channels 1xxx xx1x xxxx xxxx : 2-Channels 1xxx xxx1 xxxx xxxx : 1-Channel 1xxx xxxx xxxx xxx1 : Digital-Input 1xxx xxxx xxxx xx1x : Digital-Output InOut: Scope Name Type Return ldkc_KbusInfo_GetTerminalList DINT Input capacity UDINT terminallist POINTER TO UINT count POINTER TO UDINT
ldkc_KbusInfo_TerminalDiagnoseRelease (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION ldkc_KbusInfo_TerminalDiagnoseRelease : DINT InOut: Scope Name Type Return ldkc_KbusInfo_TerminalDiagnoseRelease DINT Input diag POINTER TO tKbusInfo_TerminalDiagnose
GlobalConstants ¶ Constants (GVL)
Constants (GVL) ¶ {attribute ‘conditionalshow’ := ‘SomeText’} {attribute ‘conditionalshow’} {attribute ‘hide’} Attributes: qualified_only InOut: Scope Name Type Initial Constant LDKC_KBUS_TERMINAL_COUNT_MAX UINT 255
Structs ¶ ApplicationStateChangedEvent (Struct) tKbusInfo_Status (Struct) tKbusInfo_TerminalDiagnose (Struct) tKbusInfo_TerminalInfo (Struct)
ApplicationStateChangedEvent (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE ApplicationStateChangedEvent : STRUCT InOut: Name Type State tApplicationState
tKbusInfo_Status (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE tKbusInfo_Status : STRUCT InOut: Name Type KbusBitCount UINT TerminalCount UINT ErrorCode UINT ErrorArg UINT ErrorPos UINT BitCountAnalogInput UINT BitCountAnalogOutput UINT BitCountDigitalInput UINT BitCountDigitalOutput UINT
tKbusInfo_TerminalDiagnose (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE tKbusInfo_TerminalDiagnose : STRUCT InOut: Name Type Diagnose POINTER TO BYTE TerminalNo POINTER TO BYTE Channel POINTER TO BYTE Count UDINT
tKbusInfo_TerminalInfo (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE tKbusInfo_TerminalInfo : STRUCT InOut: Name Type Comment OffsetInput_bits UINT OffsetOutput_bits UINT SizeInput_bits UINT SizeOutput_bits UINT AdditionalInfo UINT struct { u16 :8; u16 ChannelCount:5; u16 PiFormat:1; u16 :2; }AdditionalInfo;