did not succeed [...] COS.APP_READY bit did not succeed [...] COS.INITIALIZATION bit did not succeed
_MultiAcyclicCommunicator not successful SMC_MAC_INVALID_TASK [...] task is not set [...] singularity. SMC_CP_BUS_TASK_NOT
ERR_VUM_FILE_NOT [...] removed ERR_VUM_EMPTY_PASSWORD_NOT [...] password is not allowed
from both the task [...] the task calling [...] be swapped or not
from both the task [...] the task calling [...] be swapped or not
not used ui [...] in ms Output uiWorkingCounter UINT working counter
-task expired EVENT [...] download EVENT_TASKCODE_NOT [...] cyclic task, if Iec
is not possible to [...] not in standstill, but not controlled
point v is not in the working-space. q1 is
_INITEVTCB_NOIDENTITY 5 could not read [...] _INITEVTCB_NOSLAVEADDR 6 could not read [...] _INITEVTCB_NOVENDORID 7 could not read