Server - Client A TCP_Server [...] Server can be [...] Server need some
BASIC ¶ IEC61850_ClientConnectionFB (FunctionBlock) IEC61850_ServerCom (Program)
Procedure Calls (Client & Server). Contents
Initialization Server [...] of server ServerDataModel 16#4 Server data
Listener (FunctionBlock) ListVisuClient [...] FrameDwnSL (Struct) StructVisuClient [...] Client ListVisuClient
Command ¶ ServerStructCommand (Struct) StructClient [...] CmdHandleCertificate (Struct) StructCmdHandleClient
, providing server (slave) and client (master
Structures ¶ RdtInitStructClientTCP (Struct) RdtInitStructServerTCP (Struct) Rdt
Ua_RequestHeader ClientDescription OpcUa_ApplicationDescription ServerUri Opc [...] Ua_String ClientNonce Opc
) IRdtProtClient (Folder) IRdtProtServer [...] ) RDT_Client