StructRadius (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE Visu [...] Type Initial RadiusX INT -1 RadiusY INT
Type Return Draw [...] X INT iY INT iWidth INT iHeight INT ps
_only InOut: Name Type [...] _iMaxCountRowsToRead INT 1000 The [...] the data, does not
Count : INT InOut: Scope Name Type Return GetCount INT
: INT InOut: Scope Name Type Return Dummy INT
IEC61850_AT_DstAddress (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE ty [...] Type Addr tyIEC61850_AT_Octet255 PRIORITY tyIEC61850_AT_INT
FctEventIdStackPopId : INT InOut: Scope Name Type Return [...] FctEventIdStackPopId INT Input maxId INT
Name Type Input arr [...] FbPointF Methods: GetAsIntRect MoveBy RotateBy SetAsInt
softing_profi_end : INT [...] Type Return softing_profi_end INT
Detect : INT InOut: Scope Name Type Return AutoDetect INT