length (in bytes) of [...] the ring buffer of [...] MgrRecordUpdate2 , the time stamp of
Url STRING(255) The uri of [...] Name STRING(255) ‘MySession’ The name of the
Converts a string of the [...] input string Output [...] ‘F16#+Inf’ of ‘F
properties of a user. See [...] _FAILED: Invalid combination of [...] User STRING User name
get file size of [...] FileName STRING(254) File name [...] __XWORD [OUT] Size of
StyleKey STRING The name of the [...] entry of type UDINT
StyleKey STRING The name of the [...] entry of type Color
entry of type DINT [...] stStyleKey STRING The name of the
strVarName STRING ‘’ Contains the name of the [...] _TYPE_UNKNOWN Declares the type of the
Mappings ARRAY [0..(gc_uiNumberOfMappings - 1)] OF Mapping [...] DriveInterfaceError STRING Set only on