Type Initial Inout [...] udiTimeOut UDINT abyData ARRAY [1..4
data from the serial [...] Name Type Comment [...] the received data
FilePath, BackupFailTime [...] . Properties: BackupFailTime [...] ClientCreatedObjects TimeZone UpdateTime
information (CAN ID, Data [...] handle. GetMessageData [...] NetId (Function) GetTime
Out: Scope Name Type [...] ProtocolDataUnit target [...] retryTime UDINT
Out: Scope Name Type [...] function. udiNumMsgExcReplyIllData [...] , signaling illegal data
Type Initial Inout [...] Elem BYTE udiTime [...] SercosError UDINT abyData ARRAY
Type Initial Inout [...] Elem BYTE udiTimeOut UDINT abyData ARRAY
TaskFactoryArgs EXTENDS FBF.InstanceData Parameter type of the [...] Out: Scope Name Type
priority: Role_DataStorage Data Storage Datenspeicher Data Storage