_MaxTwoDigitYear UINT 2099 g_DateTime [...] _pVisuTextBuffer POINTER TO ARRAY [0 [...] dummy instance to
_WindowCreated DWORD (SHL(UINT_TO [...] _WindowDestroyed DWORD (SHL(UINT_TO [...] _WindowFirstPaint DWORD (SHL(UINT_TO
_ValidationBackup InspectionLevel to be [...] 12 connector) PortCycleTime [...] possible VendorID UINT
many time a command has to be repeated [...] HeartBeat DINT Heartbeat time
_MonStackRelative UINT 16#12 only to [...] _TrcTraceState UINT 16#50 TAG_TrcTraceStartTime [...] _TrcTriggerTimestamp UINT 16#53 TAG_TrcTraceChangeTime
WaitAfterReset TIME Time to wait [...] server to connect with uiPort UINT Port
cycle. ETrigTo udiTime [...] _SendBuffer EXTENDS CBM.ETrigTo [...] function block serves to
(Interface) ElementCompareTo [...] Element (Interface) Time [...] Element (Interface) Uint
SenderModuleID:= UDINT_TO_UINT(Com [...] be used to send a [...] to another module
command to the slave [...] uiDataLength UINT [...] Data XWORD pointer to data