Constant gc_wRESEXP WORD 1 gc_wRESNUM WORD 2 gc_w
, 16#FF] wHardwareType WORD 16#1 wProtocolType WORD 16#800 w
16 standard : wCRCInit := 16#0000 w [...] ReflectOutput := TRUE wXORout := 16
Sprintf (Function) StuSprintfW [...] SpaceCharacter (Function) Unicode StrCaseCmpW (Function) StrCaseFindW
input “wValue”. Example: wValue : WORD [...] .HighByte ( wValue ) = 16#12
byte of the input “wValue”. Example: wValue : WORD [...] .LowByte ( wValue ) = 16#34
. Properties: w_ini = w(0) w_pos = w(dTau1 + dTau2_pos + dTau3_pos) w
Out: Name Type Comment wLenInBuffer WORD wDataLen WORD [...] TimeStampMS DWORD w
state w0 at time t = 0 with w0.ds [...] such that ds <= w
returns the WORD “w [...] -order. Example: w [...] .ReverseBitsInWORD ( wInput ) = 16