value of the [...] the end of the path
[return value of IAlarmClass.IsAcknowledgeSeparately()] [...] the description of [...] Name STRING The name of the
return value of method [...] retrieve the result of a [...] HandleInput method of
of instance paths. Returns a value > 0 if [...] value < 0 if
-expression tokens of a g [...] Count GetValue Init Is [...] Count (Method) GetValue
sentences of a sentence [...] GWordIterator GetValue Init Is [...] GWordIterator (Method) GetValue
address value In [...] IPAddress ARRAY [0..3] OF BYTE
value of velocity of [...] value. InOut: Scope [...] execution of the function
DPT19 value to IEC [...] DrvKnxlibrary.DPT19_KNX_to_IEC ( InputDPT_19.DataValue [...] .lDateAndTime ; Note The day of week
filled with the value [...] ResultLength INT The size of the [...] value is ignored here