Header creationDateTime date 03 [...] LastModificationDateTime [...] File and Project
_VisuElemBase VisuElemsDateTime [...] Identification ¶ Name: VisuElemsDateTime [...] Namespace: VisuElemsDateTime
. The start time and date of of the [...] and the trigger is
ClientBase Input dateTime BACnetDateTime Date-Time to [...] BACnetClientTime
date and time format [...] active and in the same [...] we can (and must
ObjectBase GetBACnetDateTime [...] ObjectBase IsBACnetDateTime [...] ObjectBase SetBACnetDateTime
-Object. InOut: Scope [...] Entries POINTER TO CmpBACnet.IEC_BACNET_TIME_VALUE The times and
LastModification DT Date and time [...] .DirList for every entry in [...] . InOut: Name Type
ObjectBase GetBACnetDateTime [...] ObjectBase IsBACnetDateTime [...] ObjectBase SetBACnetDateTime
ClientBase Input dateTime BACnetDateTime Date-Time to [...] execute a Time