Header creationDateTime date 26 [...] H libraryFile SML_Basic [...] contentFile SML_Basic
Header creationDateTime date 26 [...] H libraryFile SM3_Basic [...] contentFile SM3_Basic
ENUM61850_BASIC [...] 61850_CLOCK_SYNC_MODE (Enum) IEC61850 IEC61850_DateTime [...] Interface (Method) POUs BASIC IEC
Controller Basic implementation [...] : ControllerTimeLimit ControllerTimeOut CurrentControllerTime
MotionPerformance Measure the time [...] planning time (only for virtual applications on
_AllRamps inside SM3_Basic [...] SM3_Basic) to [...] ¶ [ 1 ] Based on SM
output; Several time [...] ..32] todFirstOn TOD First time from which
library SM3_Basic . It [...] depending on the control [...] values ( bRegulatorOn
_Info : STRUCT Some basic information on the
TAPPETACTION_on 0 Switches on. TAPPETACTION [...] . TAPPETACTION_time Switches