2… dwBaudRate DWORD [...] dwTimeout DWORD [...] BufferSize DWORD Buffer size of
BACnet-Device to [...] DevInst DWORD The device instance number to which
used to switch to [...] to check this, see [...] parameter byReal
to pass a request [...] to the PLC. The [...] TransactionId DWORD Returns the ID
UserDB DWORD udi [...] EndIndex UDINT pArr POINTER TO [...] UserCount POINTER TO DINT b
will lead to [...] will lead to [...] StructFont AlarmColor DWORD 16
DialogQueueId DWORD [...] is used to check [...] FbDialogPosVector Vector where to store
extern30 ¶ DWORD_IN_BYTES (Struct) DWORD [...] SockSend30 (Function) SysSockSendTo
FromAndWriteRecipe : DWORD Loads a recipe [...] to the “Load and [...] FromAndWriteRecipe DWORD Possible last
TransactionId DWORD The ID of the [...] instance allows to store