TrendStorageReaderValue [...] value read from the [...] ToString STRING Input iWhichVariable
TrendStorageReaderValue [...] Converts a value read [...] value. InOut: Scope
TrendStorageReaderValue [...] Converts a value read [...] value. InOut: Scope
variable value from Tbl [...] ITrendStorageReaderConsumer.ValueRead (METH) ¶ METHOD Value
variable value from Tbl [...] ITrendStorageAccessReadOperator.ProcessValue [...] ProcessValue
SymbolicVarNodeAccessor.SwapValue (METH) ¶ METHOD SwapValue [...] SwapValue __XWORD
SymbolicVarNodeAccessor.GetValue (METH) ¶ METHOD GetValue [...] Name Type Return GetValue
SymbolicVarNodeAccessor.SetValue (METH) ¶ METHOD SetValue [...] Name Type Return SetValue
ListValue [...] type of the variable which was changed. lwValue
VarAccess5.VarAccGetValue3 (METH) ¶ METHOD VarAccGetValue [...] Name Type Return VarAccGetValue