NotifiableTransitionOfAlarm (Function) ConvertTimestampToLDateAndTime (Function) DT_to_Timestamp (Function) DT_to
HeartbeatConsumerSettings Helps to decode the [...] ). If uiHeartbeatTime [...] Output uiHeartbeatTime
HeartbeatConsumerSettings Helps to encode the [...] ). If uiHeartbeatTime [...] Comment Input uiHeartbeatTime
to set the initial [...] the peer to send message uiPort UINT TCP
SendMessage : UINT This method is [...] message to send into [...] enables to check if the
_uiDefaultUDPPort UINT 135 gc_uiDefaultTCPPort UINT 135 gc [...] _usiRPCVersion USINT 4 RPC Header gc_udiRPCServerBootTime
_IEC_HANDLE Handle to the connection where to create [...] server. reqLifeTime
DataLength UINT length to write [...] pointer to data udiTime [...] command to the slave In
: SAFEBOOL Function to [...] time, as well as the [...] changes to FSOESTATE
FunctionCode UINT 3 Modbus [...] ReadOffset UINT 0 Address offset to start