ParameterMapped : BOOL Returns whether [...] ParameterNumber INT The SML [...] ParameterMapped BOOL
Ua_RequestHeader NoOfNodesToWrite OpcUa_Int32 NodesToWrite POINTER TO OpcUa_WriteValue
SprintfW : INT Does a sprintf [...] SprintfW INT Input wstFormat POINTER TO WSTRING the
points to iLength INT iPosition INT pst [...] POINTER TO BYTE ui
number is mapped to [...] TriggerNumber INT Trigger channel [...] FastLatching BOOL TRUE TRUE
ParentReplacementInfo POINTER TO ReplacementInfo arrName POINTER TO [...] POINTER TO STRING(255
Element (Interface) Bool [...] (Interface) ElementCompareTo [...] Element (Interface) Int
Ua_RequestHeader NoOfMethodsToCall OpcUa_Int32 MethodsToCall POINTER TO OpcUa_CallMethodRequest
Ua_RequestHeader NoOfNodesToUnregister OpcUa_Int32 NodesToUnregister POINTER TO OpcUa_NodeId
Ua_RequestHeader NoOfNodesToRegister OpcUa_Int32 NodesToRegister POINTER TO OpcUa_NodeId