ErrorID ); END_IF InOut: Scope [...] .IIPAddress . VAR eErrorID : NBS [...] ; END_VAR e
variable is changed InOut [...] position in the [...] element in frames. -1
Changed : BOOL InOut: Scope [...] position in the [...] element in frames. -1
ToVisu2 : INT InOut: Scope [...] selected xUpdVar BOOL If [...] used in redundancy)
Addr.STATUS ; //failed ! END_IF InOut [...] _TO_ID PROGRAM PLC_PRG VAR ID [...] ; END_VAR addr
_IF InOut: Scope Name [...] _PRG VAR read : Io [...] DataRead : STRING ; END_VAR IF
_IF InOut: Scope Name [...] : PROGRAM PLC_PRG VAR [...] NbrSlaves : WORD ; END_VAR IF x
error ); InOut: Scope [...] holds messages in [...] Message afterwards. Example In
ErrorID ); END_IF InOut: Scope [...] .IIPAddress . VAR eErrorID : NBS [...] ; END_VAR e
present in generated code InOut: Scope [...] data array used in