InitInfo : STRUCT InOut: Name [...] kind of given [...] extensibility of the init
State : STRUCT The state of the trigger InOut [...] TriggerDate UDINT The date of the
represents the type of the name of an item [...] _only InOut: Name
_COMMON_STATUS_BLOCK_MASTER : STRUCT InOut: Name [...] SlaveErrorLogInd UDINT ulNumOfConfigSlaves UDINT ulNumOf
_2KB : STRUCT InOut: Name [...] SendProcessData ARRAY [0..511] OF [...] ReceiveProcessData ARRAY [0..511] OF
_8KB : STRUCT InOut: Name [...] SendProcessData ARRAY [0..3583] OF [...] ReceiveProcessData ARRAY [0..3583] OF
angle of gradient rotation InOut: Scope [...] index of the variable
the brightness of the gradient InOut [...] index of the variable
one of the “primary tables” as part of the “data model”. InOut
count information InOut [...] of contiguous [...] longest period of