’s an helper used to [...] UserGroups POINTER TO ARRAY [0..0 [...] name iArraySize INT
to set the initial [...] name iCmdRep INT How [...] has to be repeated
DataSetREF POINTER TO IEC [...] user to assign a [...] ConfRev tyIEC61850_AT_INT
TimestapAcknowledge TIMESTAMP iOffsetLast INT [...] OffsetActive INT -1 iOffsetInactive INT -1 i
a Read request to [...] _IEC_HANDLE Handle to the connection where to send
used to send event notifications to the client [...] to an event
Bias INT 0 The bias to [...] DataLogChannels POINTER TO IData
VisuClientId INT The visu Client [...] _MAX_NUMBER_OF_CLIENTS. pEnv POINTER TO MEnv A pointer to
TO BYTE Pointer [...] Source POINTER TO STRING [...] TrgOpt INT Trigger Option
(plugged) to the device, it has to be [...] attached (plugged) to