IoDrvCIFXProfinetDevice.LoadData (METH) ¶ METHOD LoadData : UDINT InOut: Scope Name Type Return LoadData UDINT Input pData POINTER TO PNS_DEV_IDENT_CFG
IoDrvCIFXProfinetDevice.ProcessCheckIndication (METH) ¶ METHOD ProcessCheckIndication InOut: Scope Name Type Input pCheckInd POINTER TO PNS_IF_CHECK_IND
IoDrvCIFXProfinetDevice.SaveData (METH) ¶ METHOD SaveData : UDINT InOut: Scope Name Type Return SaveData UDINT Input pData POINTER TO PNS_DEV_IDENT_CFG
IoDrvCIFXProfinetDevice.SetOEMParameters (METH) ¶ METHOD SetOEMParameters : UDINT InOut: Scope Name Type Return SetOEMParameters UDINT Input pConnector POINTER TO IoConfigConnector
IoDrvCIFXProfinetDevice.UpdateIdentData (METH) ¶ METHOD UpdateIdentData
Util ¶ DumpPacket (Method) LogHeaderLine (Method) LogInfo (Method)
IoDrvCIFXProfinetDeviceDiag (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK IoDrvCIFXProfinetDeviceDiag EXTENDS IoDrvCIFXProfinetDevice IMPLEMENTS DED.IDevice2, DED.IReconfigureProvider Properties: ChildNodeCount Connector Enable FirstChildNode Index IsRootNode NextSiblingNode ParentNode SiblingNodeCount Methods: AbortConnection , inherited from IoDrvCIFXProfinetDevice AddChannelDiagnosis , inherited from IoDrvCIFXProfinetDevice AddExtendedDiagnosis , inherited from IoDrvCIFXProfinetDevice AddGenericDiagnosis , inherited from IoDrvCIFXProfinetDevice CheckCurrentSupportedCommunicationState CheckSupportedCommunicationState ConfigureFirmware , inherited from IoDrvCIFXProfinetDevice DumpPacket , inherited from IoDrvCIFXProfinetDevice GetDeviceDiagnosisInfo GetDeviceErrorAsync GetDeviceInfo GetDeviceState GetIdentification , inherited from IoDrvCIFXProfinetDevice GetNetworkStatistics , inherited from IoDrvCIFXProfinetDevice GetSpecificDeviceErrorAsync GetSpecificDeviceState LoadData , inherited from IoDrvCIFXProfinetDevice LogHeaderLine , inherited from IoDrvCIFXProfinetDevice LogInfo , inherited from IoDrvCIFXProfinetDevice PrepareConfiguration , inherited from IoDrvCIFXProfinetDevice ProcessCheckIndication , inherited from IoDrvCIFXProfinetDevice RemoveDiagnosis , inherited from IoDrvCIFXProfinetDevice Reset , inherited from IoDrvCIFXProfinetDevice ReturnFromSubmoduleAlarm , inherited from IoDrvCIFXProfinetDevice SaveData , inherited from IoDrvCIFXProfinetDevice SendDiagnosisAlarm , inherited from IoDrvCIFXProfinetDevice SendProcessAlarm , inherited from IoDrvCIFXProfinetDevice SetCommunicationState SetOEMParameters , inherited from IoDrvCIFXProfinetDevice UpdateIdentData , inherited from IoDrvCIFXProfinetDevice Structure: IDevice2 CheckCurrentSupportedCommunicationState (Method) CheckSupportedCommunicationState (Method) GetDeviceDiagnosisInfo (Method) GetDeviceErrorAsync (Method) GetDeviceInfo (Method) GetDeviceState (Method) GetSpecificDeviceErrorAsync (Method) GetSpecificDeviceState (Method) SetCommunicationState (Method) INode ChildNodeCount (Property) Connector (Property) Enable (Property) FirstChildNode (Property) Index (Property) IsRootNode (Property) NextSiblingNode (Property) ParentNode (Property) SiblingNodeCount (Property)
IDevice2 ¶ CheckCurrentSupportedCommunicationState (Method) CheckSupportedCommunicationState (Method) GetDeviceDiagnosisInfo (Method) GetDeviceErrorAsync (Method) GetDeviceInfo (Method) GetDeviceState (Method) GetSpecificDeviceErrorAsync (Method) GetSpecificDeviceState (Method) SetCommunicationState (Method)
IoDrvCIFXProfinetDeviceDiag.CheckCurrentSupportedCommunicationState (METH) ¶ METHOD CheckCurrentSupportedCommunicationState : BOOL Returns true if the driver in the current state supports the requested communications state The method CheckSupportedCommunicationState is used to check for the general availability of communications states Therefore the result of CheckCurrentSupportedCommunicationState and CheckSupportedCommunicationState could differ if the driver is for example in the startup procedure and not supporting currently some communication states. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return CheckCurrentSupportedCommunicationState BOOL Input eRequestedState DED.DEVICE_TRANSITION_STATE The communication state to check
IoDrvCIFXProfinetDeviceDiag.CheckSupportedCommunicationState (METH) ¶ METHOD CheckSupportedCommunicationState : BOOL The implementation of this method returns true if the driver supports the requested communications state The application could query a driver to check if it is supporting specific communications states generally. The method CheckCurrentSupportedCommunicationState is used to check for the current state. Therefore the result of CheckCurrentSupportedCommunicationState and CheckSupportedCommunicationState could differ if the driver is for example in the startup procedure and not supporting currently some communication states. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return CheckSupportedCommunicationState BOOL Input eRequestedState DED.DEVICE_TRANSITION_STATE The communication state to check