. InOut: Scope Name [...] StructTimeDate Input eVarType Visu
) InOut: Scope Name [...] Inherited from Input pVar [...] in the same
in many [...] for changes in process signals. In
.168.100.101' ); InOut: Scope Name [...] , as shown in the [...] . VAR my
Types.RTS_IEC_RESULT InOut: Scope Name [...] Types.RTS_IEC_RESULT Input var
…) InOut: Scope Name [...] _TypeString varType Visu_Types Inout value Visu_AllNumericTypesUnion
ErrorID ); END_IF InOut: Scope [...] .IIPAddress . VAR eErrorID : NBS [...] ; END_VAR e
_NC_GFunctionTable : STRUCT InOut: Name [...] wVarListID WORD 16#BBFB in order
: VAR p [...] 3Slave; END_VAR Program: p [...] _Master.FirstSlave. In the WHILE loop