] OF LINT returns [...] TextListName. with the number of ids (GetNumberOfEntriesOf
Options : STRUCT Options of a logger (part of the configuration). InOut: Name
Attributes : STRUCT InOut: Name Type nNumOf [...] ] OF POINTER TO
Grid2 : STRUCT InOut: Name [...] ] OF LREAL aII ARRAY [0..2] OF LREAL
the range of all ancestors of a given [...] instance. InOut: Scope
X509ExKeyUsage : STRUCT InOut: Name Type Comment numOfExKeyUsages UDINT Number of
time InOut: Name [...] of the file ulLastAccess UDINT Date of last
FileStream_Constants (GVL) ¶ InOut: Scope [...] (return value of some [...] _SEEK_END DINT 2 end of file
Modified Notification, that data of [...] storage. InOut: Scope [...] StorageRow An instance of
_NC_GArgumentValue : UNION InOut: Name [...] arguments of type T [...] of type T_LREAL s