Key: SysFile SysFile [...] Key: SysFile [...] Key: 3SLicense Base
specific cache value [...] _OK: Removing cache value [...] _NO_OBJECT: No cache value
Key: Standard SysFile [...] Key: SysFile Sys [...] Key: CAA Behaviour
specific cache value [...] _OK: Removing cache value [...] _NO_OBJECT: No cache value
value cached using [...] _OK: Retrieving cache value [...] _NO_OBJECT: No cache value
EndUpdate (Function) SettgGetIntValue (Function) SettgGetStringValue (Function) SettgGetWStringValue
Key: SysDir SysFile [...] Key: SysFile Sys [...] Key: Cmp
Key: SysFile Sys [...] Key: CAA Types Cmp [...] Key: Cmp
Key: SysFile Sys [...] Key: Cmp [...] Key: CmpLog Cmp
an value to an [...] _OK: Value cached; ERR_DUPLICATE: The same key has