VisuFbAnalyzeDateTimeFormatExtractWithoutWeekdays.EndFormatPart (METH) ¶ METHOD [...] LastFormatChar INT
VisuFbAnalyzeDateTimeFormatExtractWithoutWeekdays.StartFormatPart (METH) ¶ METHOD [...] FirstFormatChar INT
VisuFbPrintDate [...] to be called, if a [...] variable has to used to
the date range to add to the Date [...] date range to add to
The BACnet date to convert to a DATE. [...] FromBACnetDate
DeviceDate [...] _BLOCK DeviceDateTime EXTENDS [...] to provide proper
DateTimeCalculations ¶ ConvertSysTimeValueToLWord (Function) ConvertSystimedateTo
-typed date times to [...] to switch to CmpBACnet.IEC_BACNET_DATE [...] TimeUnspecified to check if a CmpBACnet.IEC_BACNET_DATE
according to a given DATE [...] DATE to use for [...] The BACnet date to
DateSplit (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION Date [...] -1131-3 format DATE