ConfigConnector InOut: Scope Name [...] IoMgrConfigGetFirstChild (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION IoMgrConfigGetFirst
_only InOut: Name Comment FIRST The first
application subtree. InOut [...] UserMgrObjectGetFirst [...] UserMgrObjectGetFirst
by this handler InOut [...] the gesture in degrees: 0 -> first
: qualified_only InOut [...] successfully executed FIRST_ERROR 5750 First library
_only InOut: Name [...] _ERROR 0 no error FIRST_ERROR 5000 first library
store. InOut: Scope [...] X509CertStoreSearchGetFirst (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION X509CertStoreSearchGetFirst
_only InOut: Scope Name [...] .IDENT 16#0 no error EC_FIRST [...] first error number of
performed. InOut: Scope [...] out of two segments [...] rune is complete in
in the first [...] segment. InOut: Scope [...] in memory segments