VisuName (Property) UserGroupId (Property) User [...] Client (Interface) ClientDevice
VisuName (Property) UserGroupId (Property) User [...] Client (Interface) ClientDevice
IVisualizationClient UserGroup [...] DataPointer ClientDevice [...] IVisualizationClient User
, the alarm class and the alarm group udiAlarmClassID UDINT udiAlarmGroup
device and the [...] _BACNET_STATUS Registers the user [...] a user
NO_DEVICE 0 No [...] , validation, and Data Storage (group error
the user and allow [...] device tree [...] defined for this device
.0 and 1.0. Other [...] user units on the [...] , SMC_Group
the position and [...] table and on the position and orientation
gives a user [...] and used. But in [...] parameters and use the