Ua_ResponseHeader NoOfResults OpcUa_Int32 Results POINTER TO Opc [...] OfDiagnosticInfos OpcUa_Int
Blob (Function) ISO8601 DT_TO_INT [...] _REAL8 (Function) INT64_TO_DT (Function) INT64_TO
_profi_get_serial_device_number : INT InOut: Scope [...] _profi_get_serial_device_number INT Input pSerialDeviceNumber POINTER TO UDINT
_profi_set_data : INT InOut: Scope [...] _profi_set_data INT Input Data [...] Data POINTER TO BYTE
RegisterCommand : INT It [...] to handle the [...] RegisterCommand INT
FctDrawLineExUntransformed : BOOL Simple draw [...] position depending on to [...] FctDrawLineExUntransformed BOOL Input itf
> character according to [...] CaretPosition INT The current [...] SelectionStart INT The start of
OfDimensions OpcUa_Int32 Dimensions POINTER TO OpcUa_Int
Buffer POINTER TO BYTE nLen INT nStringSize INT
RegisterCommand : INT It [...] to handle the [...] RegisterCommand INT