Touches INT The number of [...] implementation of the current [...] instead of IGesture
.INDEX := TO_INT ( 16#AFF [...] .MLEN := TO_INT ( SIZEOF [...] identification of a slot of a
_IEC_RESULT <description> Function to [...] of the following [...] DisplayContext” type=”IN”>Handle to
# int in the [...] of nodes - this [...] Destination REFERENCE TO STRING(255
bottomright point of a [...] member: as we want to [...] : as we want to have
time format used to [...] _iProxyQueueSizeHistoricalAlarm INT 300 The size of [...] _iProxyQueueSizeActiveHistoricalAlarm INT 100 The size of
instance of ITraceMgrPacket describing the packet to [...] ArrItfTraceMgrVariables POINTER TO ARRAY [0..0
to store the data of the visu client [...] _ID INT -1 Properties
LineWidth INT line width e [...] drawing operation is to
can be used to determine the text id of a message of an