timestamp to current time [...] _NOT_SUPPORTED”>SysTimeGetUs is not
Utilities ¶ UtilityGetCurrentDateAndTime (Method) Utility
JerkCur for time dTsCur to [...] applied for the current time interval d
UserWithTempLockout (Property) CurrentUserLockoutTime
set to current time. [...] _NOT_SUPPORTED”>SysTimeGetUs is not [...] time check is
current planner time as [...] . Contains the current [...] the current safe
current time stamp [...] _IEC_RESULT Records the current
Log_Binary (Function) MonLog_CurrentTime
Timestamp SYSTIME The time-stamp [...] HighresGet. If 0 the current time will be used
Found (Method) VisuFbPrintDateTimeFormatCurrentTime [...] Recent ¶ IDateTime [...] LanguageText (Method) VisuDateTime