movement of an axis [...] , depending on the value of [...] case of SMC
of the check box [...] Comment ptTopLeft VisuStructPoint position of valid input
AbsoluteData iPointCount INT [...] TO ARRAY [0..0] OF Point TODO: check if
coordinates of a point given in respect of [...] translation of the origin
] OF BitmapEntry g [...] _moveTopLeftBy Point g_moveBottomRightBy Point g_center Point
3M.SMC_VECTOR3D The start point in [...] 3M.SMC_VECTOR3D The dest point in [...] 3M.SMC_VECTOR3D A point on the
Contact' PROGRAM PLC [...] of bytes to read [...] DataRead UINT Number of bytes
part of it. In [...] P Vector3D First point [...] V Vector3D Second point
Center VisuStructPoint The center point of the [...] The center point of
coordinates of a point given in respect of [...] the translation of