PointerFactoryBase EXTENDS FBF [...] prvInstPoolExtends [...] the pool. prvInstPoolExtends
PoolFactoryBase EXTENDS FBF [...] prvInstPoolExtends [...] the pool. prvInstPoolExtends
ListFactory EXTENDS FBF [...] InstCount prvInstPoolExtends [...] InstCount (Property) prvInstPoolExtends
TableFactory EXTENDS FBF [...] InstCount prvInstPoolExtends [...] InstCount (Property) prvInstPoolExtends
Queue EXTENDS FBF [...] ExtensionFactor USINT 50 Setting udiExtends [...] the pool. udiExtends
EXTENDS __SYSTEM [...] InstCount prvInstPoolAdr prvInstPoolExtends [...] InstPoolAdr (Property) prvInstPoolExtends
CloseListenerWithTag EXTENDS IDialogCloseListener Extends the interface
StructColorsInfo EXTENDS VisuStructColors : STRUCT Extends Visu
ICustomResponse (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE ICustomResponse EXTENDS
ICustomRequest (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE ICustomRequest EXTENDS