SMC_TG_DynState_ScalingComposition (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION SMC_TG_DynState_ScalingComposition Computes the value and
scaling and offset [...] slave value in [...] calculated as follows: fSlaveValue
w00076_PosScaling [...] 00079_RotPosResolution DWORD dw00103_ModuloValue [...] 00123_FeedConstant DWORD w00044_VelScaling
/deceleration of master dMasterScaling LREAL 1 Scaling [...] applied to cam dSlaveScaling
/deceleration`` of master dMasterScaling LREAL 1 Scaling [...] applied to cam dSlaveScaling
w00076_PosScaling [...] 00079_RotPosResolution DWORD dw00103_ModuloValue [...] 00278_MaxTravelRange DWORD w00044_VelScaling
scaling and offset [...] . How the scaling [...] slave value in
corresponding value is [...] table MasterScaling LREAL 1 Scaling
initialization value FALSE of [...] Enable will bar the scaling [...] ScaleFactor LREAL 1 Scaling
Jerk, special value [...] .GetLRealSpecialVal(FPU.ESpecial_FP_Value [...] value (2^k - 1) where