VisuCommandInterface [...] : VisuCommandInterface [...] H Placeholder : VisuCommandInterface
IServerCommand (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE IServerCommand EXTENDS
IGeneralCommand (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE IGeneralCommand Methods
RDT_Server.RegisterCommand [...] RegisterCommand : INT It registers the interface
IRdtProtServer.RegisterCommand [...] RegisterCommand : INT It registers the interface
EVTPARAM_PlcShellCommand [...] EVTPARAM_PlcShellCommand [...] , passed to the Command
many time a command [...] webvisu JavaScript. It [...] a command sending
H libraryFile VisuCommandInterface [...] contentFile VisuCommandInterface [...] VisuCommandInterface
ProtServer (Interface) RegisterCommand (Method) IServerCommand [...] ProtClient (Folder) ExecCommand
first paint command [...] client used IftPaintCommandWriter IVisuPaintCommand