ProfinetByteData.GetBit (METH) ¶ METHOD GetBit [...] Offset UDINT BitOffset BYTE
ProfinetByteData.PutBit [...] ByteOffset UDINT BitOffset BYTE Range: 0 to 7
ProfinetByteData.GetBit [...] Offset UDINT BitOffset BYTE Range: 0 to 7 Bit
ProfinetByteData.PutBit [...] ByteOffset UDINT BitOffset BYTE Range: 0 to 7
Reverse Bit, Swap Byte,Word order [...] BYTEsInWORD (Function) ReverseBitsInBYTE
Bit/Byte Functions ¶ BIT_AS_BYTE [...] _AS_WORD (FunctionBlock) BYTE_AS_BIT
BIT_AS_BYTE (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK BIT_AS_BYTE [...] of data type byte
BYTE_AS_BIT (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK BYTE_AS_BIT [...] of data type byte
BitOfByte (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION BitOfByte [...] BYTE uiBitNo USINT
PackBitsToByte [...] PackBitsToByte [...] BYTE. Example: PackBitsToByte