style entry of type [...] according value if found [...] The name of the
Stamp-Value of the [...] ID) of this BACnet [...] access of the property
absolute value of [...] deceleration) of an axis [...] value. InOut: Scope
value into a byte in [...] _TO_BCD BYTE Value in BCD [...] Input I INT Value as
operation on a list of [...] Writing BOOL This value [...] Name The name of the
10_IEC_to_KNX : ARRAY [0..2] OF BYTE Convert the IEC TIME_OF_DAY value to KNX DPT
value is the modified [...] ] OF BYTE Points to [...] widths of
, a value of [0 [...] [0..3] OF BYTE
current value of the [...] the ring buffer of [...] MgrRecordUpdate2 , the time stamp of
CacheOptions (GVL) ¶ Options of [...] _CACHED DINT 0 Value is read [...] 1 Value is read