id of the question [...] . This id can be used [...] . Output udiError
id of the question [...] . This id can be used [...] . Output udiError
BACnet-Property (ePropertyID [...] BACnet error code will [...] BACnet.IEC_BACNET_STATUS Input ePropertyID CmpBACnet.IEC_BACNET_PROPERTY_ID
Error code describing the error. When ERR [...] ItemCount UDINT dwListId DWORD
Input ID DWORD [...] data in progress xError BOOL Error occured
to TRUE. The ID [...] error occurred, the ERROR output
ID DWORD IO-Link Device ID RD_WR BOOL [...] Function block active xError
empty. Input hReceiverId [...] receive queue. peError POINTER TO ERROR
Error Code if failed [...] error, then a [...] _PLCC_BAD_ITEM AND a PlcMonitoringError
diagnostic error [...] last SDO abort usiNodeID USINT NodeID of last