PlcAppConnection.SendMonitoringRequest (METH) ¶ METHOD SendMonitoringRequest : UDINT In case of success, ERR_OK will be returned and the state will go to PlcConnectionState.MonitoringRequestSent If nothing is to do then ERR_PLCC_NOTHING_TODO will be returned. InOut: Scope Name Type Return SendMonitoringRequest UDINT
PlcAppConnection.SendSymbolicMonitoringRequest (METH) ¶ METHOD SendSymbolicMonitoringRequest : UDINT In case of success, ERR_OK will be returned and the state will go to PlcConnectionState.MonitoringRequestSent If nothing is to do then ERR_PLCC_NOTHING_TODO will be returned. InOut: Scope Name Type Return SendSymbolicMonitoringRequest UDINT Input monitoringType PlcSymbolicMonitoringType
PlcAppConnection.SendSymbolicWriteVariablesRequest (METH) ¶ METHOD SendSymbolicWriteVariablesRequest : UDINT In case of success, ERR_OK will be returned and the state will go to PlcConnectionState.MonitoringRequestSent If nothing is to do then ERR_PLCC_NOTHING_TODO will be returned. InOut: Scope Name Type Return SendSymbolicWriteVariablesRequest UDINT
PlcAppConnection.InternalShutdownFlags (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY InternalShutdownFlags : UDINT
PlcAppConnection.IsSwappingNeeded (METH) ¶ METHOD IsSwappingNeeded : SwappingInfo This method determines, whether the data source requires a swapping of the data, that was read from the remote device. InOut: Scope Name Type Return IsSwappingNeeded SwappingInfo
PlcAppConnection.LastError (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY LastError : UDINT Will be valid in case of State = PlcConnectionState.Error
PlcAppConnection.MonitoringProvider (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY MonitoringProvider : IDataItemProvider
PlcAppConnection.MonitoringProvider2 (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY MonitoringProvider2 : IDataItemProvider2
PlcAppConnection.MonitoringProviderSupportsPartialLists (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY MonitoringProviderSupportsPartialLists : IDataItemProviderSupportsPartialLists
PlcAppConnection.UpdateState (METH) ¶ METHOD UpdateState : UDINT InOut: Scope Name Type Return UpdateState UDINT