PlcService.RestoreSavepoint (METH) ¶ METHOD RestoreSavepoint : UDINT InOut: Scope Name Type Return RestoreSavepoint UDINT
PlcService.StoreSavepoint (METH) ¶ METHOD StoreSavepoint : UDINT This method can be called more than once, there will be only one effective savepoint! InOut: Scope Name Type Return StoreSavepoint UDINT
PlcService.Writer (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY Writer : ITaggedServiceWriter3
PlcServiceChannelMgr (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK PlcServiceChannelMgr Methods: BeginCreateChannel ChannelErrorCallback ChannelReplyCallback GetChannel GetCreateChannelResult ReleaseChannel prvFindChannelByHandle prvFindChannelByInterface Structure: BeginCreateChannel (Method) ChannelErrorCallback (Method) ChannelReplyCallback (Method) GetChannel (Method) GetCreateChannelResult (Method) ReleaseChannel (Method) prvFindChannelByHandle (Method) prvFindChannelByInterface (Method)
PlcServiceChannelMgr.BeginCreateChannel (METH) ¶ METHOD BeginCreateChannel : UDINT Will begin creating a new channel. A handle to this channel will be returned in hChannel. The state of this channel can be polled using this handle in GetCreateChannelResult. InOut: Scope Name Type Initial Comment Return BeginCreateChannel UDINT Input stAddr STRING the address of the peer where the connection should be created to. it must be in the form <> where each component is in the range of a UINT, but not zero, any component will be treated as a hex number! dwCommBufferSize DWORD The size of the communication buffer that shall be used for this channel. Output hChannel UINT 16#FFFF A handle that can be used to get access to this channel callnig GetCreateChannelResult
PlcAppConnection.RetryTime (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY RetryTime : UDINT
PlcAppConnection.SendDataServerRequest (METH) ¶ METHOD SendDataServerRequest : UDINT InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return SendDataServerRequest UDINT Input itfRequestParameter IRequestParameter The parameters for executing the request
PlcAppConnection.SendMonitoringRequest (METH) ¶ METHOD SendMonitoringRequest : UDINT In case of success, ERR_OK will be returned and the state will go to PlcConnectionState.MonitoringRequestSent If nothing is to do then ERR_PLCC_NOTHING_TODO will be returned. InOut: Scope Name Type Return SendMonitoringRequest UDINT
PlcAppConnection.SendSymbolicMonitoringRequest (METH) ¶ METHOD SendSymbolicMonitoringRequest : UDINT In case of success, ERR_OK will be returned and the state will go to PlcConnectionState.MonitoringRequestSent If nothing is to do then ERR_PLCC_NOTHING_TODO will be returned. InOut: Scope Name Type Return SendSymbolicMonitoringRequest UDINT Input monitoringType PlcSymbolicMonitoringType
PlcAppConnection.SendSymbolicWriteVariablesRequest (METH) ¶ METHOD SendSymbolicWriteVariablesRequest : UDINT In case of success, ERR_OK will be returned and the state will go to PlcConnectionState.MonitoringRequestSent If nothing is to do then ERR_PLCC_NOTHING_TODO will be returned. InOut: Scope Name Type Return SendSymbolicWriteVariablesRequest UDINT