CIFXProfinetController (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK CIFXProfinetController Properties: MasterID Structure: MasterID (Property)
CIFXProfinetController.MasterID (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY MasterID : BYTE
IoDrvCIFXProfiNet (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK IoDrvCIFXProfiNet EXTENDS IoDrvCIFX IMPLEMENTS ICmpIoDrvProfiNet, ICmpIoDrvPNAcyclicServices, ICmpEventCallback, CommFB.ICommFBFactory, CommFB.ICommFBDiagProvider, CommFB.ICommFBFactoryExt, CommFB.ICommFBFactoryIO Properties: MasterID Methods: CheckOwner CompareGUID CompareMAC ConfigureFirmware ConfigureWatchdog DumpPacket FindSlaveByID FindSlaveHandle FindSlaveIndex FindSubmoduleID GetAlarm GetDiag GetID GetRDREC GetSubslotID GetWRREC InitIOPS IoDrvPNReadRequest IoDrvPNWriteRequest IoDrvUpdateMapping LogErrorTxt LogHeaderLine LogInfo Nominate PutOutputData ReleaseRDREC ReleaseWRREC Reset TryFindNextAPI TryGetAddress TryGetID Structure: ICmpIoDrv InitIOPS (Method) IoDrvUpdateMapping (Method) Reset (Method) ICmpIoDrvPNAcyclicServices IoDrvPNReadRequest (Method) IoDrvPNWriteRequest (Method) ICmpIoDrvProfiNet Nominate (Method) ProfiNet CommFB CheckOwner (Method) FindSlaveByID (Method) FindSlaveHandle (Method) FindSlaveIndex (Method) FindSubmoduleID (Method) GetAlarm (Method) GetDiag (Method) GetID (Method) GetRDREC (Method) GetSubslotID (Method) GetWRREC (Method) MasterID (Property) PutOutputData (Method) ReleaseRDREC (Method) ReleaseWRREC (Method) TryGetAddress (Method) TryGetID (Method) Configuration ConfigureFirmware (Method) ConfigureWatchdog (Method) DumpPacket (Method) TryFindNextAPI (Method) Help CompareMAC (Method) LogErrorTxt (Method) LogHeaderLine (Method) LogInfo (Method) Services CompareGUID (Method)
ICmpIoDrv ¶ InitIOPS (Method) IoDrvUpdateMapping (Method) Reset (Method)
IoDrvCIFXProfiNet.FindSlaveIndex (METH) ¶ METHOD FindSlaveIndex : DINT InOut: Scope Name Type Return FindSlaveIndex DINT Input id UDINT
IoDrvCIFXProfiNet.FindSubmoduleID (METH) ¶ METHOD FindSubmoduleID : BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type Return FindSubmoduleID BOOL Input ulHandle UDINT uiSlot UINT uiSubslot UINT Output submoduleID UDINT
IoDrvCIFXProfiNet.GetAlarm (METH) ¶ METHOD GetAlarm : DWORD InOut: Scope Name Type Return GetAlarm DWORD Input MODE INT F_ID DWORD Inout AINFO CommFB.AINFO_TYPE currentAlarmID UDINT Output NEW BOOL ID DWORD LEN INT
IoDrvCIFXProfiNet.GetDiag (METH) ¶ METHOD GetDiag : DWORD InOut: Scope Name Type Return GetDiag DWORD Input ID DWORD Inout DINFO CommFB.DP_DIAG Output BUSY BOOL LEN INT
IoDrvCIFXProfiNet.GetID (METH) ¶ METHOD GetID : UDINT InOut: Scope Name Type Return GetID UDINT Inout sStationName STRING Input uiSlot UINT uiSubslot UINT
IoDrvCIFXProfiNet.GetRDREC (METH) ¶ METHOD GetRDREC : POINTER TO CommFB.RDRECBase InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return GetRDREC POINTER TO CommFB.RDRECBase Input id UDINT Inout client CommFB.RDREC oder interface CommFBFactoryClient ?