DirEntry STRING(254) Directory entry as string diMaxDirEntry DINT Max number of
_Token (FunctionBlock) GetNumber (Method) GetString (Method) SetNumber
TextListName. with the number of ids (GetNumber [...] TextListName STRING
Constant g_SML_NUMBER_FB_ERRORS DINT 6 g_SML_NUMBER [...] _strSoftMotion_SML STRING(16) ‘SoftMotion’
Outputs ARRAY [0..(gc_uiNumber [...] ..(gc_uiNumber [...] DriveInterfaceError STRING
Name STRING(31) Name of [...] MaxEntries DINT Maximum number [...] MaxFiles DINT Max number of
ID STRING(20) ‘-’ IM_Serial_Number STRING(16) ‘serial nr [...] Type STRING(25) ‘CODESYS
number of records to [...] PacketName STRING A string
number of records to [...] PacketName STRING A string
DataFile (Method) ReadNumberOfRecordsAndLastSequenceFromDataFile (Method) ReadNumber [...] FileSizeAndPos (Method) LogObjectAddrString