. PNSlave xError BOOL Communication error. Output [...] NodeCount Methods: CheckCurrentSupportedCommunication
X Communication State udiComError UDINT Error code of the communication
Blocks CommunicationErrorCIFX (Enum
progress. xError BOOL Communication error. Output [...] ID UpdatePrimary CheckCurrentSupportedCommunication
communication xTimeoutError [...] CAT communication InOut: Scope [...] communication is done x
communication and resets “xError” and “byModbusError [...] communication but does not
. PNSlave xError BOOL Communication error. Output [...] CheckCurrentSupportedCommunication
DiagnosticsReturnBusCommunicationError [...] DiagnosticsReturnBusExceptionError
RequestPing : ERROR [...] communication partner with a [...] Ping ERROR Input itf
. The parameter S_byResetError [...] error S_byLocalError [...] E communication with