TypeDesc : UDINT InOut: Scope [...] TypeDescStruct POINTER TO TypeDescAsUnion
system result In [...] execute as system
TypeDesc : UDINT InOut: Scope [...] TypeDescStruct POINTER TO TypeDescAsUnion
_Phase : STRUCT InOut: Name [...] dDuration LREAL Duration of the phase in
_Arm_Depictor_Data InOut: Scope Name [...] 3_CNC.SMC_TRAFO_Bipod_Arm dOffsetY LREAL
_V3Poly_Init : BOOL InOut: Scope [...] SMC_VECTOR3D deg
PrimWait_Eval : BOOL InOut: Scope [...] Fun Inout v SM3M.SMC_VECTOR3D
ElemQueue_StartOfSegment InOut: Scope Name [...] ElemOff k UDINT dS0 LREAL
_Trj_ApplyDynState : BOOL InOut: Scope [...] .DynVState Input w DynState d
_EndOfSegment : POINTER TO PathElem In [...] Elem Output k UDINT d