block. ErrorID SMC_ERROR [...] finished bError BOOL [...] error has occurred
GroupCount (Method) GetGroupFromID [...] GroupIDFromIndex (Method) GetGroupIndexFromID (Method) GetLastError
3. Properties: LastError [...] 3 TableId , inherited
requests. Server xError BOOL Error Server eErrorID [...] error/warning
error Input ui32OperationID [...] OperationEnable()! Error code: ERR [...] ui32OperationID
ConfigureDevice : Error [...] ConfigureDevice Error [...] deviceID Device
VarGetConnectStatus_UDP BOOL Input nBasisId [...] ConnectNewData BOOL bConnectError BOOL dwError
Cursor STO.ICursor iIdToSearch INT Output eError STO.ERROR Returns
not exist, an error [...] _IEC_HANDLE Input EventId UDINT EventID of the event
wErrorID SMC_ERROR [...] bError BOOL Signals, that an error