_CO_SdoInfoGeEntryDescription InOut: Scope Name [...] outputs operate in the [...] completed or in the event
InformationStruct2 : STRUCT InOut: Name [...] StructSize WORD wFlags WORD dwOffset XWORD byBit
InformationStruct2 : STRUCT InOut: Name [...] StructSize WORD wFlags WORD dwOffset XWORD byBit
, BYTE, WORD, etc.) or [...] . InOut: Name Type [...] in the process
_AS_DWORD (FunctionBlock) BIT_AS_WORD [...] Block) WORD_AS_BIT [...] conversions, bit/byte
value flags In [...] _FUNCTION WORD 16#1 Functional [...] _POINTER WORD 16#2 Value is a
InOut: Name Type [...] LatchStatus WORD e [...] ActiveCaptureSources BYTE Bit 0: Capture
InOut: Name Type Comment INACTIVE BIT [...] , …) ALIAS_IP BIT Further
_GEOINFO . wAddAxis WORD Bit [...] the input poqDataIn [...] should in turn use poq
23S17_FB EXTENDS spi In [...] byOutputsA WORD byOutputsB WORD Output aui