) Open (Method) ReadPosInBytes (Property) SizeInBytes [...] BeforeLeave (Action) ProceedTo
_IEC_HANDLE Handle to the [...] WatchdogHitCount POINTER TO Task_WatchdogHitCount A pointer to the
Value POINTER TO ARRAY [0..3 [...] 61850_ENUM_MMS_DataType wLen WORD Länge
_Template_Edge eError WORD Local [...] reset to their [...] operation due to a
Enable BOOL IN: If set to [...] starts to set the [...] OpState WORD OUT: If the
Buffer POINTER TO WORD Pointer [...] reset to their [...] address to access the
provides a secure way to [...] algorithm can be used to [...] be used to
bytes to write in psz [...] DirEntry is expected to provide enough space to
saved by SMC_WriteQueueTo [...] path of the file to [...] BufferOutQueue POINTER TO BYTE Pointer
OptAdditionalData POINTER TO BYTE Optional pointer to a [...] OptAdditionalData points to. Only