BACnetClientWritePropertyMultiple.Request (METH) ¶ METHOD PROTECTED Request : CmpBACnet.IEC_BACNET_STATUS InOut: Scope Name Type Return Request CmpBACnet.IEC_BACNET_STATUS
IBACnetEventConsumer (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE PUBLIC IBACnetEventConsumer Interface which has to be implemented by a FB, which can be registered using BACnetServer.RegisterHook or BACnetServer.RegisterCallback . This Interface gets called whenever the specified event (by the calls of BACnetServer.RegisterHook or BACnetServer.RegisterCallback ) occurs. Methods: BACnetEventCallback Structure: BACnetEventCallback (Method)
IBACnetEventConsumer.BACnetEventCallback (METH) ¶ METHOD BACnetEventCallback : BOOL This method gets called, whenever a event occurs for which the implementing FB is registered via BACnetServer.RegisterHook or BACnetServer.RegisterCallback . Since several FBs implementing IBACnetEventConsumer can be registered for one event or callback the following rules are used for the returned BOOL: If the method returns FALSE, all other registered IBACnetEventConsumer objects for the specified Hook/Callback are further called. If the method return TRUE, the other registeres IBACnetEventConsumer objects are not called anymore. The calling order is as the objects were registered. All calls have to treat on their own, whether the EventIds are correct (see CmpBACnet.EVENTIDS) and/or BACnet-Object-IDs or other additional data fits the needs of the registered FB (i.e. the specific BACnet-Object-FB). InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return BACnetEventCallback BOOL Input EventId DWORD If only one event is possibly called, the following Ids can be ignored. If there are more at least the EventId should be checked, to get the right type of pParameter. ID of the occured Event. Contains the class and the event (see CmpBACnet.EVENTIDS) usParamId WORD Id of the parameter structure (see pParameter and CmpBACnet.EVENTIDS) usVersion WORD Version of the parameter structure (see pParameter and CmpBACnet.EVENTIDS) pParameter POINTER TO BYTE Pointer to the event specific parameter, that is specified by Id (see CmpBACnet.EVENTIDS and CmpBACnet, i.e. EVT_BACNET_ACKALARM)
BACnetClientWritePropertyMultiple.SampleInputs (METH) ¶ METHOD PROTECTED SampleInputs
IBACnetClient (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE PUBLIC IBACnetClient EXTENDS IBACnetEmpty An interface to identify BACnet client function blocks. BACnetClient instances could be declared in the device tree - like BACnet server FB instances inheriting from IBACnetStaticObjectBase. In this case they are registered with the BACnetServer automatically in there Initialize() method. Additionally they can be declared just in IEC code, which than requires an explicite call to RegisterToServer() / UnregisterFromServer(), whenever appropriate. Usually RegisterToServer() should be called immediately after creation - if possible in fb_init(), but this depends on your general initialization scenario - and UnregisterFromServer() should be called immediately before deletion (for example in fb_exit()). Properties: Instance SourceDeviceAddress SourceDeviceNumber TargetDeviceAddress TargetDeviceNumber Methods: RegisterToServer UnregisterFromServer Structure: Instance (Property) RegisterToServer (Method) SourceDeviceAddress (Property) SourceDeviceNumber (Property) TargetDeviceAddress (Property) TargetDeviceNumber (Property) UnregisterFromServer (Method)
IBACnetClient.UnregisterFromServer (METH) ¶ METHOD UnregisterFromServer : UDINT Unregister a BACnet-Client-FB from its parent BACnet-Server-FB. Using this function enables one to dynamically create/delete BACnet-Client-FBs, which were not inserted via the device tree. Return CmpErrors.Errors.ERR_OK if successful. InOut: Scope Name Type Return UnregisterFromServer UDINT
BACnetHooksCallbacks ¶ Structures and interfaces needed to use the BACnet hooks and callbacks provided by a BACnet server. IBACnetEventConsumer (Interface) BACnetEventCallback (Method)
IBACnetClient.Instance (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY Instance : UDINT
IBACnetClient.RegisterToServer (METH) ¶ METHOD RegisterToServer : UDINT Register an empty/freshly created BACnet-Client-FB with its parent BACnet-Server-FB. If the FB was created by a device this initialization is automatically done during Initialization. Using this function enables one to dynamically create BACnet-Client-FBs, which were not inserted via the device tree. Return CmpErrors.Errors.ERR_OK if successful. InOut: Scope Name Type Return RegisterToServer UDINT Input itfBACnetServer IBACnetServer
IBACnetClient.TargetDeviceAddress (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY TargetDeviceAddress : POINTER TO CmpBACnet.IEC_BACNET_ADDRESS